Svetstråd Ø0,3 100gr L=320 Stav
Svetstråd Ø0,3 100gr L=320 Stav
Svetstråd 100g
Multicomponent bronze with good gliding properties
for laser welding on copper, copper
alloys, as well as mixed joints of stainless steels.
Multifunctional usable wire, especially for repairing
of damaged hot runner systems in injection
moulds. Seawater and cavitations resistant.
Increase of the hardness through cold removal.
Passar material:
- Koppar
- Cu-Legeringar
- CuAl-Brons
- 2.0923
Innehåll %:
- Mn = 1,00%
- Ni = 4,50%
- Fe = 3,50%
- Al = 9,00%
- Cu = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 400 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 700 N/mm2
- Expandering = 15%
- Hårdhet = 200 HB
Artnr: 01-9820-03S