Produkter » Svetstråd för Laser » Ø0,3 » Rulle »
Svetstråd Ø0,3 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd Ø0,3 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd 100g
For the laser welding on press tools to avoid die
marks. High manganiferous, sea water resistant
multicomponent-aluminium bronze for build-up
weldings of mould inserts from ampco bronzes
and ampcoloy alloys. Cavitations resistant and
good flow properties.
Passar material:
- Al-brons
- Ampcoloy Legeringars
- Gjutjärn
- 2.1367
Innehåll %:
- Mn = 13,00%
- Ni = 2,50%
- Fe = 2,50%
- Al = 7,50%
- Cu = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 400 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 650 N/mm2
- Expandering = 25%
- Hårdhet = 220 HB
Artnr: 01-9800-03