Svetstråd Ø0,4 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd Ø0,4 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd 100g
For the laser welding of copper- and ampcoloy
alloys, furthermore for the repairing of sparkeroding
electrodes. Ductile weld, close-grained
structure and high electrical conductivity. The
usable hardness is increased by cold storing.
Passar material:
- Ren koppar
- Ampcoloy legeringar
- 2.1211
Innehåll %:
- Mn = 0,20%
- Ni = ‹ 0,30%
- Ag = 1,00%
- Cu = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 80 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 200 N/mm2
- Expandering = 20%
- Hårdhet = 60 HB
Artnr: 01-9380-04