Svetstråd Ø0,4 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd Ø0,4 100gr Rulle
Titanium Grad 2 - 3.7035
Svetstråd 100g
Titanium grade 2 for the laser welding of similar
alloys. When working with the material care
should be taken to ensure complete coverage of
the weld with inert gas. Welding protection gas
quality (argon 5.0) is important.
Passar material:
- 3.7035
- 3.7035
Innehåll %:
- C = < 0,10%
- Fe = < 0,20%
- Ti = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 180 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 240 – 390 N/mm2
- Expandering = 24%
Artnr: 06-7035-04