Welding wire Ø0,5 100gr L=320 Pin
Welding wire Ø0,5 100gr L=320 Pin
Martensitic 1.4115
Svetstråd 100g
For the laser welding of similar alloys. The martensitic
weld deposit is used for wear-resistant
cladding on hot working and high-tensile steels.
Good wear resistance at higher temperature up
to 450°C. Hardenable and annealable.
Passar material:
- 1.2083
- 1.4021
- 1.4034
- 1.4122
- 1.4115
Innehåll %:
- C = 0,20%
- Si = 0,60%
- Mn = 0,40%
- Cr = 17,50%
- Ni = 0,30%
- Mo = 1,10%
- Fe = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 500 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 700 N/mm2
- Expandering = 15%
- Mjukglödgad = 200 HB
- Härdning = 42 – 47 HRc
Item code: 01-9350-05S