Produkter » Svetstråd för Laser » Ø0,5 » Rulle »
Svetstråd Ø0,5 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd Ø0,5 100gr Rulle
Svetstråd 100g
For the laser welding of austenite-ferrite-bonds
and of different materials in the die and mould
industry for a tough and elastic weld deposit.
For elastic deckings in using laser welding wires
with high hardness. Special characteristics:
non-corroding, heat resisting, high heat-resisting,
non-scaling up to 1.000°C and tough at
sub-zero temperature up to -269°C.
Passar material:
- 1.4876
- 2.4816
- Black-white bonds
- 2.4806
Innehåll %:
- C = 0,02%
- Mn = 3,00%
- Cr = 20,00%
- Nb = 2,50%
- Fe = 2,00%
- Ni = Resterande %
- Sträckgräns = 400 N/mm2
- Draghållfasthet = 650 N/mm2
- Expandering = 40%
Artnr: 03-9260-05